There’s a little dreamer in all of us, really. At times an obnoxious brute but always spirited during our drift into the pool of dribble. Conked out and snoring, we fly into a personal universe of possibility. It’s often where we experience our deepest connections with land and sea. One minute we walk the rich red earth and golden dunes, probably following a naked Indian. The next we’re ten feet back in a sapphire funnel, shredding rings around all who stand in our way. Dreams exist as a reflection of life. But what if life was the dream? Those sensations we’ve felt in the early cycle of rapid eye movement – as we bend swells to our whim like Poseidon himself – what if you could capture that feeling in the fibre of fabric? In a boardshort engineered to surf the way you want to surf? Creed’s onto it. So is Oaty, Freestone, Chunners and Hingy. They rip raw and free in their super stretchy freedom trunks. Tap into the Billabong dreamtime. Then wake up when your better half elbows you in the temple.