A thousand years ago the Goons of Doom went to play a rock and roll show at the Grosvenor in Victor Harbour, South Oz. Nobody turned up so the band had a nipple comp instead of playing (Cowboy won easily with his saucer sized areola while Ozzy’s pin prick titties saw him finish dead last). It was heaps more rad when the band returned to the Grosv for the Hurley Winter Classic presso a couple weeks back thanks to the kinetic fuzz provided by Stork. Bestest buddies forever Stork are bouncy surf punk in the same essence as Skegss, Dunies, Goons, etc… smiley and frothin’. They sing songs about shit waves, no babes, and Jack Russells. Fun fact: Three guys in the band might be named Jack but could easily be three other guys who were standing around a fire and not in the band at all. Give Stork your love when you see em coming.